It’s okay to get support creating our heart’s wildest desires.
I’d argue, support is essential.
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Writing is… getting over yourself.
Say, f* you, silly story about needing to x,y,and z. I wrote yesterday, I’m writing today and I am committing to myself, to write tomorrow. That makes me a writer. Get a writing friend. Join a writing community. Share your work with someone. This is the writing life.
Let yourself off of the hook of transcendent masterpieces and find simply writing was the point all along.
Writing can be just for me
Hot take: our writing doesn’t have to be for the consumption of others.
It’s called a practice for a reason
Truth time: I hate that I am being called to write. I could write a book convincing anyone that people have zero interest in hearing what I have to say. Why bother?
Can you relate?
Cake! And eat it too.
I love all literary devices, but hold idioms in special reverence. I’m a fan of “One cannot have one’s cake and eat it, too” for the reasons that I love cake and have been trying to disprove this sentiment my whole entire life.
Like Faliing Snow
Controversial opinion warning: You can’t be “bad” at writing.
The AWA Method and Me
Writing isn’t easy. Or it hasn’t always been for me. That’s why this method is so important to me and why I am so inspired to share it with others. Story time: